Timberkits Woody Blues
Woody Blues is one of four musician kits. The other three kits are the Drummer, the Pianist and the Guitarist. I purchased The Musician Pack, which includes all four.
Finished model.
Finished model.
Rear view of the finished model. Note the two cams at the rear, which are positioned 180 degrees apart from each other on the crank shaft. It's these cams that cause the head to bounce and swivel back and forth.
This view shows the cams and levers that tap the feet and rock the legs.
Box, parts and instructions.
Note the red circles in two of the pictures above. I ran into a problem where the right foot lever was becoming pinched between its respective cam and the roof of the base structure. In order to get it to work I had to bevel the top edge of the lever as shown. I don't believe I made a mistake in assembly, so I'm not sure why I had this problem. In any event, the model works just fine with this modification.
Also note how I beveled the opposing corners of the two foot levers. As shown in the animation at the top of the page, the left leg is designed to tap as well as rock back and forth. Accordingly, the left foot lever doesn't just go up and down, but swings around in sort of a circular motion. The bevels on the opposing corners ensured that the two levers cleanly pass each other while the model is cranked counter-clockwise (although I usually crank clockwise). The model runs smoothly in both directions.