Timberkits Drummer
The Drummer is one of four musician kits. The other three kits are the Guitarist, the Pianist and Woody Blues. I purchased The Musician Pack, which includes all four.
Finished model.
I don't like how the drummer is hunched over his kit. I'm afraid he's going to have back problems later in life. Posture aside, this is a pretty cool model and is definitely my favorite of the musicians.
Finished model.
Finished model.
The model is operated by three sets of levers and pushrods. The set that operates the left arm is of particular interest. The level is driven by two opposing triangular cams, which results in six snare drum hits per revolution of the cam shaft.
Note the lever at right, which is driven by two opposing triangular cams.
Box, parts and instructions.
I wasn't happy with the model's right arm. I was going to have to position the bass drum and symbol assembly at an awkward angle to accommodate the length of the arm. So I decided to re-cut the elbow joint. My modified arm is a little shorter and is bent a little more sharply at the elbow.
Right arm before (above) and after (below) modification.
I ran into another problem in that the left arm would sometimes miss the snare drum. My instinct is to make the joints loose with a lot of play. Usually I think that's good advice. But in this case I should have made the left elbow joint a little tighter. I tightened up the joint by gluing a toothpick shim to the forearm behind the elbow spacer.
Toothpick shim.