Timberkits Beam Engine
The Beam Engine is the kit that perked my initial interest in Timberkits products. For many years I have had an on-again off-again interest in live steam model engines and have accumulated a small collection. But I'm not a machinist. So I'm always on the lookout for live steam engines that are available as pre-machined kits. While surfing the Internet for engine kits I found this Timberkits model. Obviously a steam engine made of wood can't actually run on steam. But it's the mechanical movement I find interesting, so a hand cranked wood model suits me just fine. Here's a link to the Live Steam section of my website.
Update: I have motorized my Beam Engine. Check out my Timberkits Rocket project for details.
Finished model.
Finished model.
Box and instructions.
The box contained three stacked trays of parts.