


In September 2011 we bought a new 2012 R-Vision Trail Sport 24BH travel trailer. Our previous trailer, a 16' Fun Finder, was our original newbie RV experiment. But by 2011 we were ready to take our RVing more seriously and the Fun Finder was feeling too small.

The layout of the Trail Sport is similar to the old Fun Funder, but with some much needed extra space. The Trail Sport features separate queen bed and dinette areas as opposed to converting from one to the other. The Trail Sport has a "real" bathroom as opposed to the all-in-one toilet/shower stall arrangement of the Fun Finder. The new Trail Sport's large refrigerator/freezer is also much appreciated.


An early snow storm at the WK&S railroad. October 29, 2011.

We continued our philosophy of simplicity and selected a floor plan that met our needs without slides or other pop-out contraptions.

An early 2012 Trail Sport brochure is shown below. But the brochure is thin on feature detail so I've also included the better 2011 brochure. Little changed from the '11 to '12 model years. In a way I prefer the 2011 models. The woodwork, countertops and fabrics were all made darker (i.e. gloomier) for 2012. By 2013 the Trail Sport line had been rebranded as Trail-Lite Sport. As of 2014 it appears that parent company ASV has abandoned their R-Vision division including the Trail-Lite/Sport lines.


Early 2012 Trail Sport brochure (click image for full brochure).


2011 Trail Sport brochure (click image for full brochure).

In addition to "Belle" the dog we added "Scruffy" the cat to our family. The old Fun Finder was hopelessly impractical for litter box management. But the new Trail Sport features large pass-through storage up front which accommodates a lot of gear including the litter box. Scruffy can get to her box from the inside and I can get to it from the outside.


Front pass-through storage, one of Scruffy's favorite hangouts.


Ready for a new day.


Dibs on the queen bed.