Refreshment Stand

The WK&S refreshment stand is a former Reading maintenance shed relocated here from near Kuhnsville, PA.


Picture from the mid-2000s. Locomotive #65 is about to couple to the train for a northbound trip to Wanamaker.


This picture is from 2012 and shows some shrub removal, fresh paint and new fence.


Another shot from 2012.

The WK&S opened in 1963 without the refreshment stand. But I believe the refreshment stand was in place by end of 1963 and open by the summer of 1964.


Opening day, May 1964. The refreshment stand is still under construction.


Refreshment stand in the 1960s. The wood platforms were replaced with concrete in the 1990s. Note the flag flying at half-mast on the right.

Prior to the 1971 operating season the area next to the refreshment stand was leveled out and a picnic patio area was created. The project included a tall view-blocking wood fence on the south and west sides of the patio. The fence seems to have served at least as a retaining wall, but I don't know why it was so tall. Perhaps it was a wind block. Or perhaps it was meant to block views of the outhouses. By the 1980s the fence was gone and was replaced by a landscaped embankment. The picture below shows the back of the refreshment stand and the back of the west patio fence. A second picnic area is shown on the lawn under the trees. Note the outhouses behind the picnickers. The pictures at the top of the page better show the patio itself.


A 1970s view toward the back of the refreshment stand.

There were "Square Dance Specials" on the patio during the mid-1970s. The next picture was snapped from the roof of a coach. The refreshment stand is at the top of the picture and the west-side fence is at left.


A "Square Dance Special".


Late 1970s or early 1980s.